Our informational writing topic this week was seasons. We read How Do You Know It's Winter? and Recess at 20 Below to get ideas for how author's organized informational texts and added in details and descriptive words to make the text more interesting.
Each child chose a topic to write about, then wrote down a list of subheadings they could use for their topic.
Next week students will each chose a piece of writing to publish!
Ask your child: What season did you write about this week? What informational writing did you decide to publish?
Writing in comfy places around the room |
In reading this week we started comparing texts. We started with 2 informational texts. We read a book about the mayor and wrote everything we learned. Then the next day we read another book and wrote down any new learning. Anything that was repeated we put in the middle of our Venn diagram or starred to know it was important information.
Then we compared an informational and literature text. We read a book about the President, then listened to a literature text (Madame President) and compared that to the informational book. The students loved sharing how they still learned information from the literature book!
Next week we will be reading books from the same series and compare the different books to one another.
Ask your child: Does the book you're reading remind you of any other books you have read? What connections can you make between this book and another text you've read?
Writing facts about the President |
Word sorts, leader posters, and reading response journals |
Social Studies
The class did a lot of social studies work during reading this week. We spend time discussing community leaders and reading about the Mayor, Governor, and President. Then each child chose a leader to study and research. They used PebbleGo to find their information and create a poster about their leader.
Ask your child: Who did you research this week? What are 2 cool things you learned about that leader?
This was a very exciting week in math as we started our unit on geometry! We spent time discussing different ways to describe 2-D shapes using the terms side, angle, vertex/vertices, parallel and right angle.
The class played a game where they flip over attribute cards and find shapes that match that attribute (there is only 1 right angle; all sides are the same length; opposite sides are parallel). We still have lots of learning to do, but it was a fun start!
Ask your child: What does it mean if 2 lines are parallel? What are some shapes you learned about this week?
Playing shape capture |